Beating my Muse with a Keyboard

My life as a writer and a polyamorous free-range kinkster.

My Photo
Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

I am a Fashion Design Student, at Mesa Community College. I want to change the relationship most of us have with clothes we wear. I am married to my husband Cinder, and we with live his other husband, our daughter, dog and three terrapins in Tempe, AZ.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Favorite toy in your bag o' tricks?

For me it is Rope. I don't care if I am tying someone up, being tied, or tying myself up. I have yet to drop into subspace or anything but I enjoy the restriction and power exchange of being tied up.

Ask me anything

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Did realizing you were a bit "adventuresome" come all at once, or was it a slower thing, discovering bits and pieces here and there?

I have always wanted to be adventurous, but in the past I have always held back, hiding. My late dame was in the closet about everything, no one knew about our Kink or the fact that I was in her Service.

When she passed, I made a decision; I would not live in the closet anymore. I set my charges and blew up that closet. Now I live my life in the open and I am proud of who I am.

Ask me anything

Friday, December 11, 2009

Life is change...

Life is change; and change is Hard. In the last year and a half my life has been tossed about. I lost my wife Kelly in May of '08. I dropped my motorcycle, breaking my arm in the process that October. Six months ago I lost the house Kelly and I built, then at the beginning of November I lost my dog, Finley. That was the hard stuff, the stuff I wish that had never happened. But without some or all of those changes I would not be where I am today.

Life is change; but not everything changes. I still have Finley’s sister Star. I still ride my motorcycle every day. I still have a job that I enjoy, even if no one else understands my enjoyment of the hours. I like the Graveyard shift, I would like Fridays or Saturdays off though.

Life is change; and change is good. I have come out of the closet as the polyamorous pansexual, and very kinky person that I have always been. I now have a wonderful woman in my life the kinky and very geeky Lady Panthera. Lady Panthera is married to Hub Panthera. They have a daughter the wonderful young lady Kub Panthera. Because of their roles in the vanilla world the Panthera's are in the closet about Poly as well as kink. So I will not be telling you much more about them. The Panthera's have recently opened their home to a young man (a friend of Kub's, I'll call Wolf Kub here and on twitter) with a problematic family.

Now for the latest and most important change, before the end of the year I will be moving into the Panthera’s home. This change will do several things for us, by combining our house holds it will lower all of our living expenses. It will also save my sanity. I have found that I do not live alone well; I need people around me. In less then two years my life has gone through some drastic changes. I have gone from being in a deeply closeted Service relationship to my wife and Dame, Kelly. To being in an a poly-switch relationship that is as open as it can be.

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