Beating my Muse with a Keyboard

My life as a writer and a polyamorous free-range kinkster.

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Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

I am a Fashion Design Student, at Mesa Community College. I want to change the relationship most of us have with clothes we wear. I am married to my husband Cinder, and we with live his other husband, our daughter, dog and three terrapins in Tempe, AZ.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Did realizing you were a bit "adventuresome" come all at once, or was it a slower thing, discovering bits and pieces here and there?

I have always wanted to be adventurous, but in the past I have always held back, hiding. My late dame was in the closet about everything, no one knew about our Kink or the fact that I was in her Service.

When she passed, I made a decision; I would not live in the closet anymore. I set my charges and blew up that closet. Now I live my life in the open and I am proud of who I am.

Ask me anything


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