Beating my Muse with a Keyboard

My life as a writer and a polyamorous free-range kinkster.

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Location: Tempe, Arizona, United States

I am a Fashion Design Student, at Mesa Community College. I want to change the relationship most of us have with clothes we wear. I am married to my husband Cinder, and we with live his other husband, our daughter, dog and three terrapins in Tempe, AZ.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wiiview 1.0

We finally found a Wii; one of the kids in the electronics section at the local Target told me they were getting a shipment on Sunday. I lucked out and was able to get one of the fifty they had. We love the system it makes the games more fun then I remember from the old Atari or NES days. You can intuitively understand how to play the games. I am not saying anything I have not heard lots of other people say in singing the Wiis praises.

Now on to what I don’t like. First is Nintendo only including one wiimote it would not have hurt their bottom-line to sell the units with two of wireless devices. Of course I purchased a second wiimote and nunchuck when I picked the unit up. So that my wife and I can play either versus or against the Wii.

I also got an aftermarket accessory that makes the wiimotes rechargeable. Great in theory but bad execution, Psyclone made the unit I purchased and then returned on Tuesday. When I looked online the other rechargeables appeared to use same system. The tines that connect the base to the wiimote broke off on one side when I inserted the wiimote. To insert the wiimote you have to remove the jacket and the wrist strap, bad if you have kids who may not put the strap back on.

If you are worried about the batteries go with standard rechargeable AAs from Energizer or Duracell don’t waste your money on these units. As far as games go we got the standard Wii Sports game and enjoy it very much; tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing. All fun and get us moving around. The only thing that I do not like is the tennis game in training mode, the volley game needs to be more forgiving. As soon as returned serve lands out of bounds or is missed; game over you start from scratch. All of the other training games allow you to learn as you play.

We joined also GameFly because, the monthly rate is cheaper then purchasing games we don't like. We would give the Wii and Wii Sports three Wiimotes & nunchucks.

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